

Jo has been working in aged care on a consultancy basis for many years working with the residents, clinical nurse managers, cooks and carers to optimise nutrition and wellbeing. She can assist you and your facility to follow best practice and comply with the Australian Aged Care Accreditation Standards.  Following a comprehensive audit tool developed by the Dietitian’s Association for Aged Care Homes she can fill any gaps in your service and provide ongoing expert advice and support for both residents and employees.

Services include:

Resident Nutrition Reviews

•    Monthly weight assessments, nutrition and hydration audits and provision of nutritional care plans.
•    Advise and research on appropriate medical nutrition supplements to optimise oral intake, nutritional status and wellbeing.
•    Review of PEG feeding regimes.
•    Liaise with doctors and family re on going care of residents.

Menu Review

•    Comprehensive audit of menus, seasonal adjustments and appropriate textured modified foods.
•    Individual guidelines for residents that need fortification, additional serves and cultural input
•    Review of texture modified diets

Training & Education

Educating the staff, carers and family members are all part of the service to upskill and assist all in providing appropriate nutrition and hydration as well as identifying areas of concern.

‘In long term, aged care, food does not just contribute to the physical and functional well- being of residents but also to quality of life.’ (Bartl and Bunney, 2015)

Accredited Nutritionist Accredited Practising Dietitian Credentialled Diabetes Educator Accredited Sports Dietitian